What is Classroom Management?

Ever caught yourself wondering…what is classroom management all about? You’re definitely not alone in that! It’s a topic often discussed but seldom fully explained. Well guess what? We are about to change that! In this article, we will unpack what classroom management actually means.

So, what is it…in a nutshell???

Let’s get a bit nerdy now…let’s start with the nitty-gritty definition.

Classroom management is the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, focused and productive throughout the day in order to promote learning. (Psst…did you get the last part there?) In other words, it’s the systems that you utilize to help students learn.

Yep, that’s it! That’s what it is!

I know you must be thinking, “But Michelle, but it seems like there is so much more that goes into classroom management!” And friend, you would be right! What’s a system without moving parts? You can’t just give the definition to the “universe” and call it done if you truly want to understand it, right? So, classroom management in isolation is really just the “umbrella” of all of the things that we do as teachers to keep our own circus moving along cohesively and efficiently. But friend, don’t worry, I won’t leave you hanging if you want to know more about these “moving parts” specifically. Here’s a guide, The Classroom Management Framework, to help you fit them all into a nice, cohesive puzzle.

But let’s dive in a bit more about what classroom management is, shall we…?

Classroom Management is Proactive

Just like building a new house, there has to be plan in place. Without one, the house will look a bit like a Dr. Seuss house gone wrong! As a blueprint outlines the building of a house, proactive classroom management are all of the strategies that you put in place before learning ever happens, or prior to students ever enter your classroom for that matter! Being proactive with classroom management is one of the most impactful ways to help you manage your classroom.

Some things you might consider here are:

  • What will my classroom management plan look like, including my rules and expectations?

  • How will I build relationships in the classroom to create a strong learning community?

  • How will I plan effective lessons to engage my students? (here’s another article to help you with this topic… here!)

Classroom Management is Responsive

Now even with the most stellar plan, it would be unrealistic to believe that you won’t run into issues. Nothing ever goes that smoothly, right? Same goes for the foreman, overseeing the build of that brand new, beautiful home. What would the foreman do? He would go back to his plan first and then draw on his knowledge and skills to fix the problem. So, responsive classroom management works in a similar fashion. These strategies are how you respond to or address behaviors. Truly, anything that we respond to could, and really should, be planned. However, being responsive is the way we problem solve a situation by implementing the plan we already created and utilizing the skills we developed over time with experience.

Some things you might consider here are:

  • How will I respond to a disrespectful student?

  • What will I do if I have a really chatty classroom (here’s another article to help you with tips… here!)

  • How will I handle student disengagement?

Additional tip: As you implement your responsive strategies, be sure to check into your mindset and your delivery. Your attitude, tone and approach will speak louder than the words or actions you take!

And there you have it, folks! Classroom management in a nutshell! Remember, it's all about blending proactive and responsive strategies to create a space where learning thrives.

Want more insights like this? Enhance your teaching toolkit with this FREE Classroom Management Framework Guide. It's your go-to resource for understanding the different systems that contribute to a successful and organized classroom, and a happier you!


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